Ep. 18
Effective Energy Management and 10 ways to begin implementing it TODAY!
Okay, so let’s all agree that we will leave TIME MANAGEMENT in 2020. Moving into 2021, we will focus on ENERGY MANAGEMENT.
What is Time management?
Def: the ability to use one's time effectively or productively
Time Blocking
Intentional communication activities
Making the time to complete an activity
What is Energy Management? (no real definition)
Def: Energy the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity
Def: Management the process of dealing with or controlling things or people
Components of Energy Management
Spiritual- your beliefs and values. The connection and relationships to your higher authority
Mental- your capacity to engage in activities related to your brain and other cognitive functions
Emotional- the relationship to the connection you have with thoughts, feelings, and human interactions
Physical- these are the internal and external abilities to complete a function or functions.
10 Ways to Implement Energy Management
Conduct an Energy audit
Prioritize activities
Be okay with saying NO
Set long and short term goals
Listen to your body
Take breaks and get some sleep
Plan for fun
Do a “feel good” activity
Plan to cultivate and nurture relationships
Determine who and what you need to disconnect from
The first step to implementing energy management practices is to conduct an energy audit for your life (including your business).
Determine what consumes and provides you with energy
Decide if it is a benefit or harm to any of the components related to energy management
Make the decision to make whatever changes you need to make
Get some accountability
Celebrate the pivot in both your life and business
Today’s Setup for Tomorrow’s Win: An Evening Routine That Works (HERE)