Ep. 17
Friday Fill Up: Live on Purpose
Jeremiah 29:11
I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord. They are plans for peace and not disaster plans to give you a future filled with hope.
I truly believe that there is a purpose and plan uniquely designed for each of us. When God created you, He knew what role or job we were to fulfill in the Kingdom.
When I was in my early 20's, I remember being so very frustrated with my life. During that time, I had not been making the wisest choices, therefore I felt stuck. I cried and prayed for God to give me answers as to my purpose. I found myself becoming angry with frustration. One day a lady at church approached me and made a comment. I remember it making me smile. She then thanked me for smiling and told me how beautiful and encouraging my smile was. Then it hit me, I smile to encourage. And since then, I could be found smiling or saying or doing something encouraging to others.
Much like I was frustrated about not knowing my reason for being on this earth, you may be feeling the same way. You may have an unexplored passion to create art or open a restaurant. You may have a burning desire to do something with the homeless, elderly, or children. Whatever it is, maybe it's time to act on it. Gold places these desires in your heart or Him to help you live them out.
Ultimately, our purpose is to give Him glory. We do that by using our passions and desires to help others. Some of us have occupations that demonstrate our `calling". We are good at it, love to do it, and wouldn't trade or give it up for anything. When we discover our purpose, we can live life with focus and full intention.
Think About
What makes you come alive? What makes you smile uncontrollably, and bubble up joy on the inside? Think about what you enjoy doing and are GREAT at doing.
Begin to walk in your purpose. Find ways to act on those passions and desires. Find ways to live out those dreams and things that make you come alive.
Heavenly Father thank you for creating me with a purpose. Thank you for giving me the promise of a life filled with promise. Thank you for creating me to serve a purpose for your kingdom. Lord, whatever it is you have for me, please reveal and make known. Then Lord, give me the wisdom and courage to fulfill your assignment for my life. I love and appreciate you for who you are,
In Jesus name,