Ep. 12:
We have all been there! ...feeling stressed out and overwhelmed with the day to day task and duties in life and business. And somehow society has told us that we get some sort of badge of honor when we get it all done. Or, if it LOOKS like we are getting it done. And we are trying, we are burning the candle at both ends trying to be everything to everyone! I have BEEN there Chica! In this podcast we talk about getting the help you need to really live the life you desire and deserve.
What could you do with a few extra hours a week?
Be more productive in life or business
Be more present with family, spouse, children, extended family
Breathe, relax
What is the definition of help?
Noun:the action of helping someone to do something; assistance.
Verb:make it easier for (someone) to do something by offering one's services or resources.
Exclamation: used as an appeal for urgent assistance
Areas to get help:
Could you use help in these areas?
Business: making, branding, structure, systems
Household task: laundry, cooking, organizing, cleaning, yardwork
Relationships: (building , developing, cultivating, maintaining)
Financial: home and business, budgets, spending
Spiritual: prayer, deeper relationship with Christ
Emotional: coaching counseling, or good friends
Physical: tainer or health coach
Medical: doctor
Detriments of not getting help:
Stress out and overwhelmed
Not productive
Missed opportunities to effectively connect with the people important to you, customer or clients
Highlights areas of pride.
Benefits of asking for and getting help:
Less Stress
More time for focusing on what's important
Mindset shift
Release of control
Better health
More productive
Opportunity or learn and develop
Gratefulness to appreciate being present and experience life
How to ask?
Be concise and specific. Asking for and offering help can only be productive under one crucial condition: clear communication. ...
Don't apologize. Don't apologize for asking for help. ...
Make it personal, not transactional. Don't ask for help over email or text. ...
Set a date or an appointment, follow through, and pay for it
Who to ask?
Pray and go to God first
People with the capacity to help
Talk to the people in your life
Spouse, children, parents, trusted friends
The Connectors in your life
I’m sure you have thought THAT you needed some help in different areas in your life. And you may evening be experiencing the detriments of your not getting the help you really need. But once you put your desires to live and really LIVE your best life first, you will do what it takes to get the help you need to move you forward in life and business.