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Ep. 10: 5 Ways to Give Without Spending

Why should you give and what are the benefits?

  1. Shows gratitude

  2. Sends a personal message

  3. Self promotion

  4. Shows creative side

  5. Rewards customers

  6. Strengthens relationships

  7. Advertising

1. Focus on Experience

During the bustle of the holiday season, it’s easy to get distracted with a heavy workload or feel burdened to rush through client calls and wrap up the year. However, by taking a step back and focusing on your customers during this time, you can stand out by making their lives, and the overall customer experience, easier and more streamlined.


  • Free gift wrap

  • Giving ready packaging

  • Creating a holiday ambiance if you are a service provider

  • Music, lighting

  • Complementary cider or hot chocolate, candy canes with products


Ask yourself: how can we go above for our clients this month and in the future? Start implementing and show customers that you not only want to give this holiday season but that you care about them now and all year round.

2. Thank Your Clients for Their Support

Saying a few kind words costs nothing. If you can’t give discounts or free products this holiday season, take time to check-in instead. Wish them a happy new year and share your appreciation. Take a few minutes to get  to know them, their families, or something that will solidify your connection with them. 

What’s more, a simple “thank you,” has a tangible ROI for your business. According to a HelpScout study.  81 percent of companies that offer excellent customer service outperform their competition, however only 10 percent of businesses out here are actually doing it! Chica, that is an opportunity for you to come through in a huge way! Don’t underestimate the power of a thoughtful card or a simple phone call of gratitude. 

Sidenote: you might want to plug in to my coaching call where I will be teaching on phone engagement in a future session. Head to the sow notes for those details.

3. Donate Part of Your Sales to Charity 

The end of the year is one of the peak times for charitable donations. Nearly a third of annual giving occurs in December and nonprofits receive 12 percent, on average, of all giving within the last three days of the year. If you want to give back to your customers, help them give to a charity they support.


Connect with a non-profit! Hold a fundraiser to support a cause, collect items like coats or food for a local shelter, or pledge to donate money yourself. This isn’t a publicity stunt, but do something for someone else or a worthy cause and watch the blessings return to you. 

It is possible to give to a charity on a small budget—and giving clients an opportunity to give back as well allows you to connect around a cause that matters to both of you. 

Remember: And for some of you concerned about letting go of money, remember that charitable giving can be included in your tax deductions, as well, which can help you recoup some of what you donate.

4. Offer Discounts for the Future

If you’re on a budget in 2020 and can’t afford to offer gifts to customers, consider sending out a discount for future products or a coupon that can be redeemed in 2021. According to a survey of 1,500 consumers by HelloWorld, 61 percent of customers say the most important way a brand can interact with them is with surprise gifts or discounts.

Now, honestly, I am not a fan of discounting your services if you’re a service provider. I would just offer a bonus or upgrade in a package. But if you choose to do this, I’d make it clear that this is only for the holiday and not your regular practice. We are in business to make money. 

Better yet, look for ways to make these discounts as profitable as possible. For example, you can set thresholds for spending encouraging them to spend more to get more, which benefits them and you. So something like a (like $10 off $50) like some of our FAVORITE retail stores. Not naming names, but you know who they are. 

5. Celebrate Customer Anniversaries

Spend some time this holiday season looking through your customer data and identifying the months and years when people first connected with your clients or customers.


Find a creative way to celebrate a few top customers who have used your services the longest or honor the first few customers to ever buy from you. These celebrations don’t need to be big or expensive, a small card or gift acknowledgment will get the message across. And I would even create a newsletter in Canva and highlight those amazing customers of yours. 

Celebrating these customer-company anniversaries, can start this season and become a tradition that people look forward to and WANT to be a part of. 


Think About What Your Customers Need This Year

As you look for ways to give back to your customers this holiday season, evaluate what they need most from you. Look and listen for opportunities to GET THAT FEEDBACK. 

Do your customers need some extra time and attention from your company? Do they simply need a kind word of thanks? By focusing on the needs and problems of your clients, you can find ways to help them without spending any money. 

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